Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The World is Changing Fast

As I tucked my son in last night, it occurred to me just how fast the world is changing. It seems so simple to him as today is all he has ever known. I thought back to when I was seven and how much has changed between then and now.  No cable or satellite TV, no cell phones, no computers, no video games, the list goes on and on. Think even about the words that are so much of our daily language now, that didn't even exist a generation ago. For example: Google, internet, world wide web, email, text, and the list goes on. When I needed to find information as a child, I went to an Encyclopedia. Now my son says, "just Google it Mommy".

With these changes have come a whole new way of doing business and earning money. The old model no longer works. To survive and thrive, we must continually move forward and adapt. No longer can you count on "The Company". The marketplace is now driven by ideas. Prosperity is and will be achieved by those willing to think outside the box. There are new ways of making money.Those who are best not only at learning them, but sharing them with others are those who will have the greatest success.

So where does one go to learn these new ideas. The options are endless. Go to the Library, check out books by the likes of Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Paul Zane Pilzner just to name a few. There are many more.
Find inspiration on the internet. Search for prosperity, cashflow, passive income, wealth creation, see what you find.

The most important factor in determining your ability to create a better future for yourself is your own willingness to step out of your comfort zone. Yes your job might equal a steady paycheck, but what happens when you stop working for your money? No more money. You must learn to make your money work for you by creating investments that generate cashflow.

Prosperity comes after you find your why. Identify why you want to be rich. Write it down, carry it with you, look at it often. Once you find your why, the how will become clearer. Without the why, all the how to in the world won't get you off the couch.

I believe we all have the opportunity for greatness within us if we are willing to look. This isn't always easy or fun. It often results in the realization that the people you spend your time with are really not the right people. You need to seek out others that share your vision. Beware the naysayers who tell you you can't. They are simply trying to make themselves feel better by destroying your dreams, as they are too lazy or scared to chase their own. Treat your mind as you would your body (or even your car). For the best performance, you must fill it with the best stuff. Read positive, affirming books and articles. Lay off the junk TV. Nurture your mind and soul and you will be surprised at the outcome.

Take an action step today. Make a decision today to change your tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Safe is the New Risky

Safe is the new risky. So what does that mean exactly? The application is purely one focused on economics. The world is changing rapidly, and what was once the conventional wisdom of "go to college, get a good, safe job" no longer applies today. To find out where we are and where we are going, we must first have a brief look at where we've been.

The world has experienced 4 distinct economic ages. The original was Hunter/Gatherer.  This is pretty self explanatory. In the earliest days of mankind, this is how people survived. It was a pretty minimalistic existence in a very simple world, but it worked at the time. There are still a few who exist in this way of living, deep sea fishermen is one example. But as a rule, this model doesn't work in today's world.

The second economic age was that of the Farmer. As the world evolved, people became more settled and learned how to live off the land. They learned to plant and harvest, developed tools and machines to help them. They were still limited by the forces of nature, including that of time. They could only earn as much as they could plant and harvest.

The third economic age was the Industrial Age. We are all familiar with the industrial revolution. factories were built to allow more to be done in less time. People flocked to these jobs. Good pay, steady work, guaranteed benefits with a promise to be taken care of by the company with a pension upon retirement. It was a good deal at the time. As a reward for years of loyal service to"The Company", they guaranteed you steady and safe income when you retired.  Many people today are still stuck in this model of thinking even though this way of life really no longer exisits.

So what happened to this way of life? A paradigm shift happened. Young people entered the work force no longer feeling the sense of loyalty to "The Company". Society became mobile and people went along. No longer did people work at the same company for 30 or 40 years, they moved from one to another always searching for the next best thing. Who will pay me more, offer better benefits etc? Always looking for bigger and better. Industry leaders realized as wel that they could no longer sustain the cost of these guarranteed pensions, so they stopped offering them.

What does all this have to do with Safe is the New Risky? The answer is simply everything. We are now living in the fourth age, the Information Age. As technology has evolved, so has the way we earn. No longer does the "safe job" even really exisit. You can no longer count on any job, but rather must find a way to create passive cashflow income from investments rather than earned income from a job. With the world now open to us at our fingertips via the internet, this is more possible than ever. Ideas create cashflow now. No longer do you have to be dependent on how many hours you can physically work, but rather what can your mind create. People are more empowered than ever. You can control your own destiny and your own prosperity. You are in charge of your future cashflow,opportunities are there for those who look.

Zig Ziglar summed it up this way "There is not a lot you can do about the national economybut there is a lot you can do about your personal economy."

Make a choice today to take control of your future prosperity and start creating cashflow. Learn to make your money work for you rather than you working for it. Request your free DVD to learn more about an exciting business opportunity.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Being Rich or Being Financially Free

My thoughts today are inspired by Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. They talk often about financial freedom. Most people just want to be rich. Who wouldn't you ask? Well I propose that being free is better.

Being rich sounds great. We all want to be rich. Many people are rich but only on paper. Their time is not their own. If they don't get up and go to work, they don't get paid. They may have a "great job" with a big salary, but what happens if they stop working? They don't get paid. This means that they are just as trapped in the Rat Race as the poor and middle class. It's just that their cage is prettier and filled with nicer things. Robert Kiyosaki calls it the "chicken coop". The bird in the gilded cage is still caged. Unable to control their time, still trading hours for dollars. No work, no money. However great their career,, it is still just a J.O.B.(just over broke). They may have more means, but they are still living too close to the edge.

What I have learned and continue to learn is that the real secret is building financial freedom. Cashflow is king. Learning how to generate cashflow whether you get out of bed today or not the goal. This is called passive income.  Building assets that work for you even when you are not working. Sounds easy enough? Maybe. The first step is learning the difference between an asset and a liability. Once you understand this, then you have the foundation on which to build.

The next step that I encourage everyone to take is to pay yourself 1st. Both Robert and Kim Kiyosaki talk about this in their books. They recommend setting up 3 accounts: Saving, Tithing and Investing. Place an equal amount into each column every time you get paid. Make it an amount that is just outside your comfort zone: too little and you will not notice the benefit, too much causing financial hardship. By doing this you are not only building your assets, but you are also learning self discipline that will serve you well in any business endeavor you choose.

Money is a tool that can be used to better yourself and the world you live in. Creating passive income  and financial freedom is not something that happens overnight, There is no get rich quick scheme. It takes time, commitment and discipline. The most important requirement is knowledge. Seek to learn something new each day. Read a book, listen to a CD, watch a video. Whatever works for you. There are vast resources out there for those willing to seek them out. Most of all, enjoy the journey and the wisdom it brings.

If you are looking to improve cashflow in your life and are ready to take the journey toward financial freedom  request your free DVD here:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Finding the Perfect Sponsor in MLM

So you have made the decision to jump into Network Marketing. The next step after choosing the company is finding your sponsor.Why is this an important topic? Simply because your sponsor can be the most important asset you have in building your MLM company. Lets explore the role of a sponsor ,how they impact your business, and why finding the right one is so important!

1.)Business coach:   As a sponsor,one of my primary roles is to be a business coach for my team. A good sponsor keeps information flowing to my down-line. Whether it be about new products, new recruiting tools, company events,or corporate updates, I need to always be passing this information forward. Being a sponsor does not mean I know everything, I just know where to find the answers and how to get them to the most people in the most efficient way. My job as a sponsor is to be available as a resource to my team in all areas of business building.  I feel that researching and sharing information on business building of all types, not just MLM can add value. The primary focus is of course building your MLM business, but I have found valuable ideas in all areas of business that have had a positive impact on my business.

2.)Personal development coach: As your sponsor my other important role is this. To help you become the best you possible. The way to success in Network Marketing is to build a team. This does not mean simply signing up the most people that you can and then hoping for the best. I believe that by helping my team grow and develop as people, the rewards will be great. By helping you to succeed only then can I succeed. I believe that the best sponsor is there to be a friend, mentor and cheerleader when you need one. But also, a good sponsor knows when it is time to stop holding your hand and give you a shove out of your comfort zone. I need to teach you to become better than you are now.

We all have come into this business looking for success. No matter what business you are in, having the right person to guide you along the path makes the journey easier. When you start your search for a sponsor, keep in mind a few last tips. This is someone you choose to do business with. They are your business partner NOT your boss. We are all in this together. Interview your potential sponsor, find out if you are comfortable with them. Do you share the same values, work ethic, world view? Are you comfortable with this person? Do they inspire you to do better? Are they someone you'd enjoy spending time with? If you answer NO to these questions, keep looking!! You will find the right person and the right company if you are patient and do your homework. 

If you give a man a fish he eats for a day, if you teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Choosing the Right Network Marketing Company

My thoughts today are about the how and why of choosing the right Network Marketing Company. In my previous article I talked about the reasons to join NM. Once you've made the decision to start, the next obvious question becomes what company. The answer is complex.
Step One: Identify your interests
What are you excited about, interested in? Is it wellness, is it tech, travel, etc? Identify this and then narrow your search accordingly. There are NM companies that specialize in almost every product or service. It is much harder to promote a company when you are not excited about their product or service Also, seek out the companies plan for the future of their product line. The most successful companies have a large and diverse product line that appeals to a wide group of people. Remember, some people may choose simple to be a customer in your business rather than a partner. Just because your friend is involved with a company, does not make it right for you. Think about the people you know and how different everyone's chosen professions are. Network Marketing is no different. Find something you believe in.
Step Two: Find the Vision of the Leaders
The right company will have leaders who have a clear vision of where the company needs to go and how to get there. Without that vision even the best companies with the best services will falter. Seek out and read the writings of the company leaders. Most of the most successful ones will have blogs or newsletters or other content that is available to anyone regardless if they join the company or not. A true leader will seek to empower and develop people to become more than they ever thought they could be. They should also be able to clearly define what the goals of the company are along with a clear plan of how to get there.
Step Three: Dollars and Cents
This is a two pronged category. First, you need to identify if the company is well capitalized. Do they have enough money to maintain the day to day operations at a corporate level? Are they invested in research and development of new products or additional services. If the answer is no, think twice about joining. There is nothing worse than having the company go out of business due to lack of funding.
The second aspect of this category is your cost. How much does it cost to enroll. Are there any recurring monthly fees? If so how much and for what? Be sure you can afford the costs to start and while you are building. The best companies will not try to nickel and dime you to death with fees, they want you to invest in growing your business.
Step Four: The Right People
Once you have completely reviewed the above steps, the final but very important step is finding the right people. Network Marketing is as much about people building as it is about money making. You cannot succeed in this business alone. Finding the right sponsor is so important. Their role in your development and ultimate success is vital. You need to look beyond just the individual and make sure that there is a team of people available to help and guide you along the way. In a future article I will speak more specifically to the power of finding the right sponsor.

In closing I would like to offer this article as a road map to both first timers as well as people already in NM but perhaps with the wrong company. Finding the right company will make your journey that much smoother and more enjoyable. If you are interested in more information on the company I have chosen, please click this link:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Top 3 reasons for starting a Network Marketing business in todays economy

Here are my top 3 reasons for starting a Network Marketing business in today's uncertain economy and escape the rat race!!!
1.) Opportunity: I looked for many months for a business that offered me an opportunity for success. I believe Network Marketing is just such an opportunity. It doesn't require any specific degrees, or any particular skill set.
What it does require is simply the true desire to make a change in your life now that can lead to success later. I do not believe in any get rich quick promises. If you encounter a company offering these promises, be very skeptical. Even though the start up cost may be fairly low, this is a business just like any brick and mortar store front. You get back what you put in. If you are simply looking at it as a hobby or a side business, you will see limited results. However if you are willing to plan your business and work your plan, the opportunity is there for the taking. You must commit to the business to succeed. If you treat it like a business, it will behave like one.  When you are looking for a company to join, be sure your leaders share this philosophy.  The success or failure of any business starts with the vision of the leaders. They can help you create and develop the opportunity that awaits you.
2.) Time:  If you are like me, you already have a busy schedule. The thought of starting a business that requires another 40 or 50 hours a week or more seems insurmountable. Here is where Network Marketing offers a chance to build something using time you probably already have, but do not use productively. You can be successful in this industry starting out with little more than 10-15 hours/week to devote to it. This does require some changes to your lifestyle though.This is the choice I make every day and I hope you too can see the possibility. I want to regain control over my own time. Instead of sitting in front of the TV or other unproductive activities you may engage in, you need to develop the habit of spending that time working on your business. With the explosion of the internet, this becomes more feasible. There are ways to create content online that will bring people to you. This is not an overnight success either, but finding your voice and getting it out there to the world can be very rewarding. This also gives you the freedom to work your business from anywhere you can take your laptop computer or even your smart phone. If you can access the internet, you can work your business. If you are like most people, you probably already spend 10 or more hours a week on the computer. Why not use that time to build a business that has the possibility to create income. Decide that you want to stop trading hours for dollars and start building wealth. Regain control of your life and your time!
3.) People Building:) The way to succeed in this business is different than in the corporate world. You have to build your team to succeed, You cannot be a lone wolf or have an every man for himself mentality. What may surprise you is when you start building up other people, you will be building yourself as well. If you have heart for people as well as for business this may be the choice for you. Only by building your team and helping them to succeed can you achieve the success you desire.  The harder you work to build and develop the people on your team into leaders, the more successful you will become. This can impact you not only in your business but in your personal life as well. Become more than you think you can. You will be surprised at the result. Success in this or any other endeavor is a journey, not a destination. Take the 1st step on the journey today. You can change the future!!
My name is Dawn Gilcrest. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years. I have chosen to take my knowledge and training into the business arena. I have partnered with a wellness company that is poised to do great things in the next few years. If you are interested in more information on this exciting new business opportunity, click this link to request your free DVD.
Make a choice today that can change your life and create a better tomorrow!!

Look for my next post about choosing the right company for you!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today I would like to post something I found while looking through my high school memory book. Bear in mind that I graduated in 1984. I believe that this information holds true still today and will into eternity. It was written by Ann Landers and published in my local newspaper.

"The Ten Commandments of How to Get Along With People.

1. Keep skid chains on your tongue. Always say less than you think. Cultivate a low persuasive voice. How you say it often counts more than what you say.
2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully no matter what the cost.
3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work regardless of who did it,
4. Be interested in others: their pursuits, their work,their homes,their families. Make merry with those who rejoice,with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet,however humble,feel that you regard him/her as a person of importance.
5. Be cheerful. Don't burden or depress those around you by dwelling on your aches and pains and small disappointments. Remember,everyone is carrying some kind a burden.
6. Keep an open mind. Discuss but don't argue.It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.
7. Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves. Refuse to talk about the vices of others. It is a waste of time and can be destructive and hurtful.
8. Take into consideration the feelings of others. Wit and humor at the expense of another is never worth the pain that may be inflicted.
9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe him.
10. Don't be anxious about the credit due you. Do your best and be patient. Forget about yourself and let others remember. Success is much sweeter that way. "

This is information we can all use to become better people thereby making this a better world. Even in tough times, if you follow these simple rules and build people up rather than tear them down, how much more amazing could our lives be? Success comes by helping others succeed, Join me on the journey!!

Wealth and Wellness are intertwined

The big debate in America right now is health care reform. As a Registered Nurse with over 20 years experience in the acute care setting of a hospital, I can say with authority that "health care" is really nothing more than sick care. My experience has shown that we spend all of of resources treating disease and sickness and very little time or effort trying to prevent them.

I would like to use this article to explain my belief that being proactive in making wellness choices now can not only make you feel better today, but improve your future as well. Wellness is not just about your physical health. It also can be applied to your mental/emotional health, as well as your financial well being.

First lets talk for a moment about your physical health. No matter what point in your life you are, you can take simple steps today that can lead to an improvement in your overall health. Something as simple as parking your car far from the store entrance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even drinking a glass of water instead of that 2nd cup of coffee. By improving your physical health, you eliminate much of the emotional stress that comes from just feeling lousy. It also impacts your financial health by decreasing missed days work, doctors visits, need for medication etc. There is simply no separating one from another.

How can improving your emotional/mental wellness affect you physically and financially? We all know someone who suffers physical symptoms generated from the emotional stress they feel. Headaches and ulcers are 2 common ailments seen in people suffering a great deal of stress. Finding ways to deal with emotional stress effectively can have a huge impact on your physical wellness. Everyone must find there own stress management techniques. For me, it is a massage, listening to music, or just going for a walk. It is proven that regular exercise improves mental clarity, reduces stress, in addition to the physical benefits.
How is your physical and mental health affected by your financial health? Very simply, poor financial health creates as much emotional stress as anything. For example, what is the number one thing couples fight about? Money! What is often a source of contention between kids and parents? Money! Money or the lack thereof causes more arguments which lead to emotional stress, which lead to physical manifestations. Often people suffer physical symptoms from depression which is an emotional illness.

I would like to close with the idea that focusing on personal wellness in all aspects of your life can have great benefits. Get your financial house in order. Take a long hard honest look at your spending habits. We all have areas we can honestly call leaks in our budget. Unnecessary expenses. Robert Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad calls them Doodads. We all have them, we just need to be brutally honest with ourselves to identify and cut back on them . Identify your assets and liabilities, make an effort to reduce your debt and control your spending. It isn't always fun but the rewards are many.

I would like to tell you that making the choice for wellness is the best one I've ever made. The first step is finding your why. Why do you want to make a change? Mine is freedom. One of the ways I have chosen to pursue wellness is to look for a home based business to enable me to reduce the hours spent away from my family while increasing my personal wellness in all areas. My physical wellness is better as I eat better, exercise more and take supplements that help my body be the best it can be. My emotional wellness is better as I have less work stress,as I am now involved in the wellness business and moving away from the sick care business. I get great joy in helping others pursue these same goals. By making the hard choices in my financial life, I am out of debt and able to invest in building a business to help myself and others like me achieve a lifetime of wellness.