Friday, December 11, 2009

Safe is the New Risky

Safe is the new risky. So what does that mean exactly? The application is purely one focused on economics. The world is changing rapidly, and what was once the conventional wisdom of "go to college, get a good, safe job" no longer applies today. To find out where we are and where we are going, we must first have a brief look at where we've been.

The world has experienced 4 distinct economic ages. The original was Hunter/Gatherer.  This is pretty self explanatory. In the earliest days of mankind, this is how people survived. It was a pretty minimalistic existence in a very simple world, but it worked at the time. There are still a few who exist in this way of living, deep sea fishermen is one example. But as a rule, this model doesn't work in today's world.

The second economic age was that of the Farmer. As the world evolved, people became more settled and learned how to live off the land. They learned to plant and harvest, developed tools and machines to help them. They were still limited by the forces of nature, including that of time. They could only earn as much as they could plant and harvest.

The third economic age was the Industrial Age. We are all familiar with the industrial revolution. factories were built to allow more to be done in less time. People flocked to these jobs. Good pay, steady work, guaranteed benefits with a promise to be taken care of by the company with a pension upon retirement. It was a good deal at the time. As a reward for years of loyal service to"The Company", they guaranteed you steady and safe income when you retired.  Many people today are still stuck in this model of thinking even though this way of life really no longer exisits.

So what happened to this way of life? A paradigm shift happened. Young people entered the work force no longer feeling the sense of loyalty to "The Company". Society became mobile and people went along. No longer did people work at the same company for 30 or 40 years, they moved from one to another always searching for the next best thing. Who will pay me more, offer better benefits etc? Always looking for bigger and better. Industry leaders realized as wel that they could no longer sustain the cost of these guarranteed pensions, so they stopped offering them.

What does all this have to do with Safe is the New Risky? The answer is simply everything. We are now living in the fourth age, the Information Age. As technology has evolved, so has the way we earn. No longer does the "safe job" even really exisit. You can no longer count on any job, but rather must find a way to create passive cashflow income from investments rather than earned income from a job. With the world now open to us at our fingertips via the internet, this is more possible than ever. Ideas create cashflow now. No longer do you have to be dependent on how many hours you can physically work, but rather what can your mind create. People are more empowered than ever. You can control your own destiny and your own prosperity. You are in charge of your future cashflow,opportunities are there for those who look.

Zig Ziglar summed it up this way "There is not a lot you can do about the national economybut there is a lot you can do about your personal economy."

Make a choice today to take control of your future prosperity and start creating cashflow. Learn to make your money work for you rather than you working for it. Request your free DVD to learn more about an exciting business opportunity.

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