Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The World is Changing Fast

As I tucked my son in last night, it occurred to me just how fast the world is changing. It seems so simple to him as today is all he has ever known. I thought back to when I was seven and how much has changed between then and now.  No cable or satellite TV, no cell phones, no computers, no video games, the list goes on and on. Think even about the words that are so much of our daily language now, that didn't even exist a generation ago. For example: Google, internet, world wide web, email, text, and the list goes on. When I needed to find information as a child, I went to an Encyclopedia. Now my son says, "just Google it Mommy".

With these changes have come a whole new way of doing business and earning money. The old model no longer works. To survive and thrive, we must continually move forward and adapt. No longer can you count on "The Company". The marketplace is now driven by ideas. Prosperity is and will be achieved by those willing to think outside the box. There are new ways of making money.Those who are best not only at learning them, but sharing them with others are those who will have the greatest success.

So where does one go to learn these new ideas. The options are endless. Go to the Library, check out books by the likes of Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Paul Zane Pilzner just to name a few. There are many more.
Find inspiration on the internet. Search for prosperity, cashflow, passive income, wealth creation, see what you find.

The most important factor in determining your ability to create a better future for yourself is your own willingness to step out of your comfort zone. Yes your job might equal a steady paycheck, but what happens when you stop working for your money? No more money. You must learn to make your money work for you by creating investments that generate cashflow.

Prosperity comes after you find your why. Identify why you want to be rich. Write it down, carry it with you, look at it often. Once you find your why, the how will become clearer. Without the why, all the how to in the world won't get you off the couch.

I believe we all have the opportunity for greatness within us if we are willing to look. This isn't always easy or fun. It often results in the realization that the people you spend your time with are really not the right people. You need to seek out others that share your vision. Beware the naysayers who tell you you can't. They are simply trying to make themselves feel better by destroying your dreams, as they are too lazy or scared to chase their own. Treat your mind as you would your body (or even your car). For the best performance, you must fill it with the best stuff. Read positive, affirming books and articles. Lay off the junk TV. Nurture your mind and soul and you will be surprised at the outcome.

Take an action step today. Make a decision today to change your tomorrow.

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