Monday, April 19, 2010

Never Give Up

Whenever someone who has succeeded is interviewed, one question that is always asked is How did you do it? What is the secret to your success? Without fail the answer always goes something like this..... "I never gave up."

Sounds so simple doesn't it. It is all about perseverance. Keep on keeping on. Never stop trying. hundreds of cliches just like these exist on this topic. The bottom line is though, the cliches are true. The only way to succeed is to keep trying. Failing is not a crime, quitting is.. I f you believe strongly enough in your dream, then you will keep chasing it. Get up when you fall, If you fall again, get up again.

Quitting is easy. Anyone can do it. Most do. The reasons we give ourselves our endless... it's too hard, I don't have the time, money, knowledge, skills etc. This is a cop out. Col. Sanders was in his 70's when he started KFC. He tried and failed at many different business before he finally succeeded. So what is different about you? Why can't you keep trying. Very few people get it right the 1st time. Mickey Mantle didn't hit the ball out of the park the 1st time he picked up a bat. Joe Montana didn't throw touchdowns with every pass. They just kept trying. They never gave up.

I challenge you today to do the same. What are you waiting for? Are your dreams worth having? If so, get out there and find  a way to to achieve them. Surround yourself with people who tell you can, not people who want to kill your dream because they were too lazy or scared to achieve their own. The only thin holding you back is you. Change your life today. Take the 1st step on the path. The 1st step is the hardest, but isn't your dream worth it? You are worth it. The person you can become is worth it.

If you are ready to take that 1st step on the path to achieving your dreams, click here to request your Free DVD 

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