Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Choosing the Right Network Marketing Company

My thoughts today are about the how and why of choosing the right Network Marketing Company. In my previous article I talked about the reasons to join NM. Once you've made the decision to start, the next obvious question becomes what company. The answer is complex.
Step One: Identify your interests
What are you excited about, interested in? Is it wellness, is it tech, travel, etc? Identify this and then narrow your search accordingly. There are NM companies that specialize in almost every product or service. It is much harder to promote a company when you are not excited about their product or service Also, seek out the companies plan for the future of their product line. The most successful companies have a large and diverse product line that appeals to a wide group of people. Remember, some people may choose simple to be a customer in your business rather than a partner. Just because your friend is involved with a company, does not make it right for you. Think about the people you know and how different everyone's chosen professions are. Network Marketing is no different. Find something you believe in.
Step Two: Find the Vision of the Leaders
The right company will have leaders who have a clear vision of where the company needs to go and how to get there. Without that vision even the best companies with the best services will falter. Seek out and read the writings of the company leaders. Most of the most successful ones will have blogs or newsletters or other content that is available to anyone regardless if they join the company or not. A true leader will seek to empower and develop people to become more than they ever thought they could be. They should also be able to clearly define what the goals of the company are along with a clear plan of how to get there.
Step Three: Dollars and Cents
This is a two pronged category. First, you need to identify if the company is well capitalized. Do they have enough money to maintain the day to day operations at a corporate level? Are they invested in research and development of new products or additional services. If the answer is no, think twice about joining. There is nothing worse than having the company go out of business due to lack of funding.
The second aspect of this category is your cost. How much does it cost to enroll. Are there any recurring monthly fees? If so how much and for what? Be sure you can afford the costs to start and while you are building. The best companies will not try to nickel and dime you to death with fees, they want you to invest in growing your business.
Step Four: The Right People
Once you have completely reviewed the above steps, the final but very important step is finding the right people. Network Marketing is as much about people building as it is about money making. You cannot succeed in this business alone. Finding the right sponsor is so important. Their role in your development and ultimate success is vital. You need to look beyond just the individual and make sure that there is a team of people available to help and guide you along the way. In a future article I will speak more specifically to the power of finding the right sponsor.

In closing I would like to offer this article as a road map to both first timers as well as people already in NM but perhaps with the wrong company. Finding the right company will make your journey that much smoother and more enjoyable. If you are interested in more information on the company I have chosen, please click this link:http://www.amazingcashflowsecrets.com

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